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Theorising the politics of web 2.0: an excerpt from the forthcoming Introduction to the Handbook of Internet Politics by Andrew Chadwick and Philip N. Howard

Posted on Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 12:02 PM by Andrew Chadwick

As part of writing the Introduction to the forthcoming Handbook of Internet Politics, Phil Howard and I wanted to try a basic 'first take' on what web 2.0 might mean for politics. We sought to briefly define it and to tease out its broader implications for political behaviour in a way that stays close to its technological characteristics without reducing it to those characteristics. We took as our point of departure Tim O'Reilly's influential approach. No surprises there, but we were intrigued by how readily O'Reilly's technology-centric themes could feed into broader conceptual ideas and examples of value to social scientists. Here's what we came up with - posted on the New Political Communication Unit blog. We hope you find it useful, and, dare we say it, that you might like to add your comments...

[Note: This is a pre-publication excerpt from Andrew Chadwick and Philip N. Howard 'Introduction: New Directions in Internet Politics Research' in Andrew Chadwick and Philip N. Howard (eds) (2008, in press) The Handbook of Internet Politics. New York and London: Routledge. You can read the book's table of contents at Routledge's site]

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